Lung cancer

Definition of lung cancer
Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer occurring. Lung cancer can occur because in the lungs there is a condition in which the cells – the cells grow in irregular and uncontrolled.
Lung cancer at an early stage for most people there are no symptoms or there is no sign of lung cancer that is so obvious. But then the symptoms such as coughing continued to experience coughing blood, always feel out of breath, fatigue without reason, and weight loss will appear. This kind of condition usually suffered by many smokers are active as well as passive smokers.

Lung Cancer sufferers in Indonesia
According to the WHO, lung cancer is one of the types of cancer most often strikes men in Indonesia. According to Globocan or the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2012, in Indonesia, there are 25,322 cases of lung cancer that afflicts men and women that cases of 9,374.
The results of the research on the 100 hospitals in Jakarta shows that lung cancer is cancer most cases in males, and the number four most in women. Lung cancer incidence numbers low enough at the age of 40 years under, and increasing up to the age of 70 years.

Types of lung cancer are there
There are two types of primary lung cancer based on the type of cell, namely lung cancer small cell (small-cell lung cancer/SCLC) lung cancer and non-small cell (non-small-cell lung cancer NSCLC/). Lung cancer-non-small cell a chance four times more frequent in comparison with the lung cancer small cell.
Lung cancer small cell (SCLC) usually only afflicts the heavy smoker and its spread faster compared to cancer lung non-small cell (NSCLC).

People who are at risk of developing cancer of the lung
Smoke can be said to be the major cause of lung cancer. People who are most at risk of lung cancer are smokers. About 85 percent of lung cancer associated with the habit of smoking. Even so, it's not that every smoker will be affected by lung cancer. In addition, people who do not smoke are also likely to have stricken with lung cancer, although the lower amount. Lung cancer is more common in people who are already aged. The most common and this is usually caused because they are exposed to air pollution

Treatment On lung cancer
There are several factors that affect the treatment method and handling is done to address lung cancer are:

  • How severe the spread of cancer.
  • The health condition of the patient.
  • Types of cancer suffered.

Surgical removal of cancer can be done if the cancer cells have not spread widely to other parts of the body. If health conditions do not allow for a surgery appointment, other responses could be applied. The process of the destruction of cancer cells by way of radiotherapy can run.
Lung cancer generally does not cause any symptoms before the cancer cells spread to large parts of the lungs or to other parts of the body. Healing depends on the spread of cancer and when a diagnosis of cancer. The more early diagnosis is done, the chances of successful treatment to also be higher.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer

Definition of lung cancer
Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer occurring. Lung cancer can occur because in the lungs there is a condition in which the cells – the cells grow in irregular and uncontrolled.
Lung cancer at an early stage for most people there are no symptoms or there is no sign of lung cancer that is so obvious. But then the symptoms such as coughing continued to experience coughing blood, always feel out of breath, fatigue without reason, and weight loss will appear. This kind of condition usually suffered by many smokers are active as well as passive smokers.

Lung Cancer sufferers in Indonesia
According to the WHO, lung cancer is one of the types of cancer most often strikes men in Indonesia. According to Globocan or the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2012, in Indonesia, there are 25,322 cases of lung cancer that afflicts men and women that cases of 9,374.
The results of the research on the 100 hospitals in Jakarta shows that lung cancer is cancer most cases in males, and the number four most in women. Lung cancer incidence numbers low enough at the age of 40 years under, and increasing up to the age of 70 years.

Types of lung cancer are there
There are two types of primary lung cancer based on the type of cell, namely lung cancer small cell (small-cell lung cancer/SCLC) lung cancer and non-small cell (non-small-cell lung cancer NSCLC/). Lung cancer-non-small cell a chance four times more frequent in comparison with the lung cancer small cell.
Lung cancer small cell (SCLC) usually only afflicts the heavy smoker and its spread faster compared to cancer lung non-small cell (NSCLC).

People who are at risk of developing cancer of the lung
Smoke can be said to be the major cause of lung cancer. People who are most at risk of lung cancer are smokers. About 85 percent of lung cancer associated with the habit of smoking. Even so, it's not that every smoker will be affected by lung cancer. In addition, people who do not smoke are also likely to have stricken with lung cancer, although the lower amount. Lung cancer is more common in people who are already aged. The most common and this is usually caused because they are exposed to air pollution

Treatment On lung cancer
There are several factors that affect the treatment method and handling is done to address lung cancer are:

  • How severe the spread of cancer.
  • The health condition of the patient.
  • Types of cancer suffered.

Surgical removal of cancer can be done if the cancer cells have not spread widely to other parts of the body. If health conditions do not allow for a surgery appointment, other responses could be applied. The process of the destruction of cancer cells by way of radiotherapy can run.
Lung cancer generally does not cause any symptoms before the cancer cells spread to large parts of the lungs or to other parts of the body. Healing depends on the spread of cancer and when a diagnosis of cancer. The more early diagnosis is done, the chances of successful treatment to also be higher.