Flatulence the early signs of heart disease
My medical chek up – in the year 2014, the attack of heart disease is included in the 10 highest cause of death in the world. In fact, based on the data summarized by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC, heartache is the main cause of death in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Indonesia and Australia.

The case of an attack of heart disease in the world
Based on a lot of the data collected, there are about 45% of cases of death in the world caused by the pain of the heart. The disease is referred to as the silent killer because it suddenly and without obvious symptoms, the sufferers can experience a heart attack resulting in death.

The Cause Of The Pain Of The Heart
Any person affected by the deadly disease risk on this one. However, there are several factors cause heart pain can increase a person's risk of experiencing the disease. The following are some factors cause heart pain in General and coronary heart disease.

The Causes Of Heart Disease In General
Nowadays, the biggest factor is the cause of pain is heart unhealthy lifestyle. The habit of smoking, stress, and obesity are some of the main triggers of heart pain. However, there are also some common causes that make a person can be exposed to heart disease, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol levels are not controlled well, and diabetes. In addition, genetic factors or history family members ever exposed heart disease also contribute to increased risk of heart disease in a person.

The Cause Of Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease occurs because the blood flow towards the heart is blocked by fat. FAT or plaque in the coronary arteries is generally caused by a build-up of cholesterol. The accumulation of plaque in the coronary arteries of the heart causing lack of oxygen intake. Just as the cause of the pain the heart in General, coronary heart disease is also caused by unhealthy living patterns such as high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and hypertension.

Symptoms Of Heart Disease
Both young and old could have had a heart attack. Often, the symptoms experienced by sufferers of heart disease unconscious and taken seriously up to be catastrophic. In fact, many cases where sufferers are not aware that they are exposed to heart disease to have a heart attack first.

Heart pain symptoms are generally characterized by pain in the chest. Pain in the chest that also comes with a sense of discomfort in the back of the shoulder area. In fact, a symptom of heart disease often makes the sufferer experiencing shortness of breath, loss of appetite, and felt tired easily. It was not until there alone, heart pain symptoms are often also characterized by pain in the solar plexus part often suspected as disease ulcer.

How To Prevent Heart Disease
As we know, the risk of heart disease is enhanced by several factors that are largely caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. It means that we can still do how to prevent heart disease. The following are some ways to prevent heart disease:

Stop the smoking habit.
Weight control because obesity is one of the factors the causes of heart disease
The consumption of healthy and nutritious vegetables cut down on fatty foods that can increase cholesterol
Exercising regularly is how to prevent heart disease the most simple
Manage diabetes
 Lowering high blood pressure by limiting salt consumption and healthy living patterns
 Manage stress

How To Treat Heart Pain
How to treat heart disease course should be done through a series of handling medically. In some cases, it takes a variety of medications that can reduce arterial blockage in the heart, lower blood pressure, or heart's work. In some cases of heart disease, there is also the Act of mounting the ring to widen the arteries of the heart or other operations to address the issue at the heart. Keep in mind that all these measures will be effective if followed by changes in lifestyle the sufferer.

By knowing everything about heart disease, expected us to be more alert and able to avoid disease-causing factors of this silent killer. Keep in mind that heart disease can also occur at a young age. Do lifestyle changes become more healthy is how to prevent heart disease is how to deal with heart disease naturally and effectively.

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Attack heart disease: Causes, Symptoms, How to Prevent and Treat

Flatulence the early signs of heart disease
My medical chek up – in the year 2014, the attack of heart disease is included in the 10 highest cause of death in the world. In fact, based on the data summarized by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC, heartache is the main cause of death in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Indonesia and Australia.

The case of an attack of heart disease in the world
Based on a lot of the data collected, there are about 45% of cases of death in the world caused by the pain of the heart. The disease is referred to as the silent killer because it suddenly and without obvious symptoms, the sufferers can experience a heart attack resulting in death.

The Cause Of The Pain Of The Heart
Any person affected by the deadly disease risk on this one. However, there are several factors cause heart pain can increase a person's risk of experiencing the disease. The following are some factors cause heart pain in General and coronary heart disease.

The Causes Of Heart Disease In General
Nowadays, the biggest factor is the cause of pain is heart unhealthy lifestyle. The habit of smoking, stress, and obesity are some of the main triggers of heart pain. However, there are also some common causes that make a person can be exposed to heart disease, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol levels are not controlled well, and diabetes. In addition, genetic factors or history family members ever exposed heart disease also contribute to increased risk of heart disease in a person.

The Cause Of Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease occurs because the blood flow towards the heart is blocked by fat. FAT or plaque in the coronary arteries is generally caused by a build-up of cholesterol. The accumulation of plaque in the coronary arteries of the heart causing lack of oxygen intake. Just as the cause of the pain the heart in General, coronary heart disease is also caused by unhealthy living patterns such as high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and hypertension.

Symptoms Of Heart Disease
Both young and old could have had a heart attack. Often, the symptoms experienced by sufferers of heart disease unconscious and taken seriously up to be catastrophic. In fact, many cases where sufferers are not aware that they are exposed to heart disease to have a heart attack first.

Heart pain symptoms are generally characterized by pain in the chest. Pain in the chest that also comes with a sense of discomfort in the back of the shoulder area. In fact, a symptom of heart disease often makes the sufferer experiencing shortness of breath, loss of appetite, and felt tired easily. It was not until there alone, heart pain symptoms are often also characterized by pain in the solar plexus part often suspected as disease ulcer.

How To Prevent Heart Disease
As we know, the risk of heart disease is enhanced by several factors that are largely caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. It means that we can still do how to prevent heart disease. The following are some ways to prevent heart disease:

Stop the smoking habit.
Weight control because obesity is one of the factors the causes of heart disease
The consumption of healthy and nutritious vegetables cut down on fatty foods that can increase cholesterol
Exercising regularly is how to prevent heart disease the most simple
Manage diabetes
 Lowering high blood pressure by limiting salt consumption and healthy living patterns
 Manage stress

How To Treat Heart Pain
How to treat heart disease course should be done through a series of handling medically. In some cases, it takes a variety of medications that can reduce arterial blockage in the heart, lower blood pressure, or heart's work. In some cases of heart disease, there is also the Act of mounting the ring to widen the arteries of the heart or other operations to address the issue at the heart. Keep in mind that all these measures will be effective if followed by changes in lifestyle the sufferer.

By knowing everything about heart disease, expected us to be more alert and able to avoid disease-causing factors of this silent killer. Keep in mind that heart disease can also occur at a young age. Do lifestyle changes become more healthy is how to prevent heart disease is how to deal with heart disease naturally and effectively.

Barring a heartache with Tropicana Slim Low Fat!
Sugar-free, high in calcium, and high fiber to help lower your cholesterol.
Easy and tasty way to help lower the risk of heart and get a healthier life!